
The Royal Commission’s Expert Advisory Group met for the second time on 30 January.

The expert members heard from Professor Brett McDermott about the ever emerging science of epigenetics and understanding the impacts of trauma in a child’s first 1000 days at a genetic level.

The group discussed key circumstances and events that can impact a child’s development, mental health and life trajectory, and the opportunity for high quality universal early childhood education and care to disrupt patterns of disadvantage and support wellbeing into adulthood.

Other themes discussed included:

  • the importance of ECEC in supporting working families, particularly women’s economic participation
  • the value of high quality universal services as a gateway to identifying needs and accessing supports
  • the importance of context, particularly cultural contexts to support access to appropriate, well-led, well-governed services.

The Expert Advisory Group will meet again in March 2023.

Learn more about the Expert Advisory Group